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Description[edit source]

This template creates a button image to represent a key press on a keyboard.

Syntax[edit source]

Type {{key}} somewhere. Template will accept the keys listed below, as well as all number and letter keys.

Up to seven keys can be strung together in one instance of the template. Each key is displayed as a separate button connected with a plus sign (+), as shown below

Sample output[edit source]

{{key|return}} produces:

⏎ Return

{{key|ctrl|shift|C}} produces:

^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+C

Keys available[edit source]

General PC
-Return = -Return
^Control = ^Control
alt = ⎇ Alt
asterisk = *
backspace = ⌫ Backspace
break = ⎊ Break
caps = caps
cmd = ⌘ Cmd
colon = :
command = ⌘ Command
compose = ⎄ Compose
ctrl = ^ Ctrl
del = ⌦ Del
down =
end = ⇲ End
-enter = ↵ Enter
enter = ⌅ Enter
equals = =
esc = ⎋ Esc
hash = #
home = ⇱ Home
ins = ⌤ Ins
left =
menu = ≣ Menu
num = num
opt = ⌥ Opt
option = ⌥ Option
pause = ⎉ Pause
pgdn = ⇟ PgDn
pgup = ⇞ PgUp
pipe = |
prt scr= ⎙ PrtScr
prtsc = ⎙ PrtScr
prtscr = ⎙ PrtScr
return = ⏎ Return
right =
scroll = scroll
semicolon = ;
shift = ⇧ Shift
tab = Tab ↹
up =
win = ⊞ Win
Left & right analog sticks
l-up = L↑
l up = L↑
l-down = L↓
l down = L↓
l-left = L←
l left = L←
l-right = L→
l right = L→
l-ne = L↗
l ne = L↗
l-se = L↘
l se = L↘
l-nw = L↖
l nw = L↖
l-sw = L↙
l sw = L↙
r-up = R↑
r up = R↑
r-down = R↓
r down = R↓
r-left = R←
r left = R←
r-right = R→
r right = R→
r-ne = R↗
r ne = R↗
r-se = R↘
r se = R↘
r-nw = R↖
r nw = R↖
r-sw = R↙
r sw = R↙
ps x = ×
ex = ×
ps c =
circle =
ps s =
square =
ps t =
triangle =
Nintendo 64 & GameCube
c-up = C↑
c up = C↑
c-down = C↓
c down = C↓
c-left = C←
c left = C←
c-right = C→
c right = C→
c-ne = C↗
c ne = C↗
c-se = C↘
c se = C↘
c-nw = C↖
c nw = C↖
c-sw = C↙
c sw = C↙

Related templates[edit source]

{{key/core}} contains the code upon which {{key}} functions. If you plan on copying this template to another wiki, be sure to copy that as well.

Origin[edit source]

Based on Template:Key press at Wikipedia.